Bram Ramaekers

Keynote speakers


Bram L.T. Ramaekers (1986) finished his study Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (MBRT) in 2007. In the final year of this study, he worked on a regular basis as a radiation technologist at MAASTRO clinic and finished the pre-master methodology and statistics program at Maastricht University. Afterwards he studied Public Health (specialization: Health Services Innovation) at Maastricht University. Following his graduation, he started as a PhD student at MAASTRO clinic and Maastricht University where he obtained his PhD (2013) on acknowledging patient heterogeneity in Health Technology Assessment. Since November 2012 Bram works as a researcher at the MUMC+ (department: KEMTA) where he is involved in multiple research projects related to Health Technology Assessment. This includes acting as a health economic lead of the Evidence Review Group for The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). In addition, he is also involved in teaching and supervising master and PhD students.