Portfolio and Graduation

What is a portfolio?
The portfolio originated from the fields of arts and architecture, where artists and craftsmen assembled a selection of their (finest) work in a folder to present to potential buyers, patrons and customers. They use it as a ‘proof’ of their skills and competency-level.

Today, (digital) portfolios are used in education to monitor learners’ competency development and to provide evidence of attainment of competencies that are relevant to their professional practice. 

Also in this course, you will be asked to create and manage your own portfolio. Your portfolio will gradually grow into a well-organised collection of materials and reports, providing evidence of (progress in) your professional development in the most important competencies. The portfolio will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses as well as identify which competency domains are of special interest to you, which allows you to focus on a specific direction of interest within the course.

Why a portfolio?
A portfolio is an excellent instrument for monitoring competency development. It is a method that fits well with the concept of workplace-based learning, which makes use of your daily working experiences as enabler for your learning. Your experiences in the clinic serve as starting points for learning: relevant cases will be analyzed, studied and further discussed in your teaching activities and in your portfolio.

At the end of this course, you will be able to present your level of competency through your portfolio, which you could use for your further career development. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate from the University of Maastricht.