Prof. dr. Francois Mullier
Steering Committee
Namur, Belgium
Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Complementary master in clinical biology
Professor (Clinical Professor) at the University Catholique de Louvain
Visiting professor at the University of Namur
Current function:
Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Complementary master in laboratory medicine
Acting as Head of department of laboratory medicine of CHU UCL Namur (Dinant-Godinne) since 01/01/2019
Head of Hematology-Hemostasis of CHU UCL Namur, Université catholique de Louvain since 1/10/2012
Professor at the Université catholique de Louvain since 1/10/2014
Visiting professor at the Université de Namur since 1/10/2012
Founder member and coordinator of the Namur Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center since 10/02/2011
Member of the Groupe d’Intérêt en Hémostase Périopératoire (GIHP) since 2017
Associate Editor of Thrombosis Journal since 03/2016
Member of the Hemostasis and Platelets committee of the International Society of Laboratory Hematology: 2022-2024
Teacher in the European course of laboratory medicine organized by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (Topic: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation): 2022
Member of the EFLM (European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) Task and Finished Group: “Demand Management Library” since February 2020
Member of organizing committee of the European course on antithrombotic management (since November 2020)
Member of the scientific committee of the “Revue Francophone Hémostase Thrombose”
Editorial Board member for the Journal of Laboratory Medicine since April 2019
Active member of ISTH SSC Collaborative workshop on Vascular Biology
Associate Partner in the EHEMATIMAGE European Continuing Education program
Member of the expert groups of flow cytometry, morphology and hemostasis within the Belgian Scientific Institute of Public Health
Member of the Belgium Thrombosis Guidelines Group
In the past:
Past Co-chair of the subcommittee Platelet Immunology of the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) (2015-2018)
Past Expert for the European Medicine Agency and European Society of Anesthesiology
Invited editor of the special issue: "Platelet Counting, Morphology Assessment and Functional Studies: Pitfalls, Uncertainties, Good Practice for Clinical Usefulness" In Journal of Clinical Medicine
Citations: 8344 (Google scholar)
H index: 37 (Google Scholar)
173 peer-reviewed publications-250 abstracts-86 national presentations and 109 international presentations
Reviewer in > 20 international journals